UPDATED 8-31-21 6.8.4_HF1_CumulativeUpdate-083121-README.txt ---------------------------------------- NOTES: *This patch is only supported when applied to ProfileUnity (HF1) or newer and will change your console version to **Install HF1 fresh or upgrade to (G4) and then to (HF1) before proceeding with this update. See https://cdn.liquidware.com/support/ProfileUnity/6.8.4/ProfileUnity-Net_6.8.4_G4_HF1-README.txt ---------------------------------------- CHANGELOG: 8-31-21 - Adds new Path Override feature to the Administration screen used to globally override specific paths with new targets in the INI file only. 5-27-21 - Resolves an issue preventing users across an intra-forest domain trust from being able to login to the console and FPC. 4-23-21 - Resolves an issue in the 3-29-21 update preventing login to the console as the built-in Admin account. 3-29-21 - Adds support for disabling impersonation and performing all operations as a domain service account rather than the user logged into the console. 3-29-21 - Adds support for allowing users to logon to the ProU Console even if the user is denied logon rights to the server itself. ---------------------------------------- DOWNLOAD: Updated 9-1-21 : https://cdn.liquidware.com/support/ProfileUnity/6.8.4/6.8.4_HF1_CumulativeUpdate-083121.zip MD5 : 4970011544644c97426f4ebf253b8b96 6.8.4_HF1_CumulativeUpdate-083121.zip SHA2: a3f1aea938965e509d8dd4804f606b32eb87e8baeb516ead81c57bb2713aa84c 6.8.4_HF1_CumulativeUpdate-083121.zip ---------------------------------------- HOW TO INSTALL: 1. Take note of the files in the ZIP and place copies of the originals from "C:\Program Files (x86)\Liquidware Labs\ProfileUnity" to somewhere OUTSIDE of the main ProfileUnity folder *File list: gpo-write.exe, ProfileUnity.Host.exe, ProfileUnity.Host.exe.config, ProfileUnity.Legacy.dll, ProfileUnity.Public.dll, ProfileUnity.Report.dll, ProfileUnity.Setting.dll, ProfileUnity.Web.dll, ProfileUnity.WindowsManagement.dll 2. Stop the Liquidware Labs ProfileUnity Service 3. Extract the contents of the ZIP into "C:\Program Files (x86)\Liquidware Labs\ProfileUnity" 4. Start the Liquidware Labs ProfileUnity Service ---------------------------------------- OPTIONAL INSTRUCTIONS for allowing users denied logon rights to login and to configure the service account functionality contained in the 3-30 update: 1. Create a new service account within AD and add that account into the ProU console server's local Administrators group *This new domain service account will need access to all relevant areas: Create and link GPO, Enum domain security groups, Create/modify INI/XML files on network share(s) 2. Stop the Liquidware Labs ProfileUnity Service 3. Edit the Liquidware Labs ProfileUnity Service and set the Log On tab to the new service account 4. Edit "C:\Program Files (x86)\Liquidware Labs\ProfileUnity\ProfileUnity.Host.exe.config" and change "DisableImpersonation" to "true" 5. Start the Liquidware Labs ProfileUnity Service ----------------------------------------