Updated 3-30-21 6.8.4_HF1_ServiceAccountSupport-README.txt ---------------------------------------- *This patch is only supported when applied to ProfileUnity (HF1) and will change your console version to **Upgrade to (G4) and then to (HF1) before proceeding. ***This patch adds support for ProU console and FPC logins by users who are not otherwise authorized to logon to the server. ****This changes the behavior of the ProU console so that instead of all external operations being done as the logged on user, they will now be done by a service account. *****This change requires a new domain service account that is a member of the local Adminsitrators group on the ProU console. ******This new domain service account will need access to all relevant areas: Create and link GPO, Enum domain security groups, Create/modify INI/XML files Download (Updated 3-30-21) : https://cdn.liquidware.com/support/ProfileUnity/6.8.4/6.8.4_HF1_ServiceAccountSupport.zip -MD5: 317d4c034f993fe59223d8c0bf38233c 1. Stop the Liquidware Labs ProfileUnity Service 2. Edit the Liquidware Labs ProfileUnity Service and set it to run as the newly created domain service account 3. Take note of the files in the ZIP and take copies of the original files from "C:\Program Files (x86)\Liquidware Labs\ProfileUnity" and place them OUTSIDE of the main ProfileUnity folder 4. Extract the contents of the ZIP into "C:\Program Files (x86)\Liquidware Labs\ProfileUnity" 5. Edit the new ProfileUnity.Host.exe.config and change the "DisableImpersonation" option to "true" 6. Start the Liquidware Labs ProfileUnity Service