Updated 3-3-23 FlexAppOne_685-hf1-README.txt ---------------------------------------- CHANGELOG: 3-3-23 - Resolves an issue in the FlexApp One Engine creating --ctl Start Menu shortcuts located within sub-folders. ---------------------------------------- NOTES: There are two options for implementing this change. You can ... --Download an updated FlexApp Packaging Console that includes the updated FlexApp One files ---OR--- --Update only the changed files on an existing 6.8.5 FlexApp Packaging Console or other machine using the FlexApp One components via scripts or other means. ---------------------------------------- DOWNLOADS: FlexApp Packaging Console HF1 ( - Updated 3-3-23 URL : https://cdn.liquidware.com/support/ProfileUnity/6.8.5/fpcsetup_685-hf1.exe MD5 : 4558af036d457f4e1085aface7a4cc77 fpcsetup_685-hf1.exe SHA2 : 774f7cf6adb5f1e8e3c9f47220b346c1a042a95d0e4f1f4a5ddf82780b263d90 fpcsetup_685-hf1.exe ---OR--- FlexApp One HF1 Only ( - Updated 3-3-23 URL : https://cdn.liquidware.com/support/ProfileUnity/6.8.5/FlexAppOne_685-hf1.zip MD5 : 277a22c40ef44a4d5dca24524496707d FlexAppOne_685-hf1.zip SHA2 : 28dd33fd736c3e35cd3ee6e6e3bb04e614e4380f350ddc0c0e8a59c392a288cd FlexAppOne_685-hf1.zip ---------------------------------------- HOW TO INSTALL: FlexApp Packaging Console HF1 ( 1. Download and rename to fpcsetup.exe. Copy to your ProfileUnity Console(s) and overwrite the existing "C:\Program Files (x86)\Liquidware Labs\ProfileUnity\fpcsetup.exe". 2. On your existing FlexApp Packaging Console(s), of any version: Uninstall the existing version, reboot, install this one. 3. Copy your FlexApp_One.lic file into "C:\Program Files (x86)\Liquidware Labs\FlexApp Packaging Console\FlexApp One Bundler". 4. Launch the new FlexApp Packaging Console and follow the prompts. If using a hypervisor snapshot for a "clean state" say no to the Rollback feature and close the FPC once at the Package Inventory. 5. Take a new "clean state" snapshot. ---OR--- FlexApp One HF1 Only ( 1. Download and copy the ZIP file to your FlexApp Packaging Console(s) or other machine used to create/bundle FlexApp One application EXE's. 2. Extract the contents into "C:\Program Files (x86)\Liquidware Labs\FlexApp Packaging Console\FlexApp One Bundler", overwriting the existing files. 3. Take a new "clean state" snapshot. ----------------------------------------