Updated 8-15-23 client-tools_685r1-hf7-README.txt ---------------------------------------- CHANGELOG: 4-21-23 (HF1) - Resolves an issue processing Azure Group Membership Filters for users with more than 100 memberships 5-12-23 (HF2) - Resolves an issue where the splash screen could be closed early when using the FlexApp module along with other modules 5-12-23 (HF2) - Resolves an issue where ProfileUnity Client processing time would be extended when using S3 storage in an offline scenario 6-12-23 (HF3) - Resolves two issues with IP Printers: Filters, Can't Print 6-12-23 (HF3) - Resolves an issue where clearing PendingFileRenameOperations reg value breaks PendMoves/FileMove. Value now deleted, instead. 6-27-23 (HF4) - Resolves an issue with data sizing affecting FlexApp playback of registry values like environment variables 6-27-23 (HF4) - Resolves an issue with playback of overlapping FlexApp package contents. Only the first package's folder contents will be seen. 6-27-23 (HF4) - Resolves an issue with playback of CTL-assigned FlexApps on multi-user OSes 6-27-23 (HF4) - Resolves an issue causing the splash screen to crash on multi-user OSes 6-27-23 (HF4) - Improves Portability save/logoff times by adding a new setting and default behavior to process Portability rules in parallel 6-27-23 (HF4) - Improves pre-filter processing times by no longer querying AD for attributes unless a filter contains a condition using one 6-27-23 (HF4) - Improves VHDX mount times for FlexApp and Virtual Disk modules 7-20-23 (HF5) - Resolves an issue in certain scenarios with overlapping Chrome/Edge UserDataDir paths when using ProfileDisk 7-20-23 (HF5) - Resolves an issue where users using certain UPN-style logons would not receive a ProfileDisk 7-20-23 (HF5) - Resolves an issue in certain scenarios where FlexApp XML files were not being updated during playback 7-20-23 (HF5) - Improves handling of temporary profile paths when using ProfileDisk 7-20-23 (HF5) - Improves ProfileDisk support for environments with issues applying user group policy objects 7-20-23 (HF5) - Adds AzureAD user logon support for ProfileDisk 7-28-23 (HF6) - Resolves an issue where FlexApp's sharing the same top level folder structure with natively installed applications and the FlexApp's would not appear. 8-15-23 (HF7) - Resolves an issue with Explorer and Start Menu when FlexApp packages contain a value directly within the HKCU\Software\Classes key 8-15-23 (HF7) - Resolves multiple issues during playback around the handling of FlexApp packages containing duplicate, overlapping folder structures ---------------------------------------- DOWNLOAD: Updated 8-15-23 : https://cdn.liquidware.com/support/ProfileUnity/6.8.5/client-tools_685r1-hf7.zip MD5 : 14e6cb6d3a6e104489b315057ac0248e client-tools_685r1-hf7.zip SHA2 : 440c1ac2218375644f0373ff50a055cc23ded08586036cb2fdf31bce416b6500 client-tools_685r1-hf7.zip ---------------------------------------- HOW TO INSTALL: 1. Download, rename to client-tools.zip, copy to your ProfileUnity Console(s) and overwrite "C:\Program Files (x86)\Liquidware Labs\ProfileUnity\client-tools.zip". 2. If you have the client-tools installed on your master images, you must uninstall the current version and reboot prior to installing this update. 3. After upgrading any master images, the contents of the client-tools.zip can be used to overwrite the files that usually reside on your domain's NETLOGON\ProfileUnity share where your INI file lives; your deployment path. ----------------------------------------